The Core of Future


Address : East bank of Longma Lake, Jianzhou New City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
Clients : Chengdu Communications Investment Group
Surface : 231800 m²
Program : Offices, Businesses, Hotels, Apartments, Urban Opportunity Centers
Status : The first prize of 2021 Design Competition,Under construction

We would like to ask you to imagine a place that brings you happiness and makes you feel alive and alive. Close your eyes and imagine what that would be like. Feel the warm sun on your face, the fresh air, and the mountain wind blowing through your hair from all directions. You can hold your breath and feel it in the clouds that come over the mountains and trees. How their tones and contours brighten up. You feel your hand gripping the stone you found in the bend of the river. You seem to grasp the shape of the past, the shape of the future, and they show you the way. We don’t need to create what’s already there. The only thing we can do is connect you with nature and build the perfect core for the future.

Address : East bank of Longma Lake, Jianzhou New City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
Clients : Chengdu Communications Investment Group
Surface : 231800 m²
Program : Offices, Businesses, Hotels, Apartments, Urban Opportunity Centers
Status : The first prize of 2021 Design Competition,Under construction

We would like to ask you to imagine a place that brings you happiness and makes you feel alive and alive. Close your eyes and imagine what that would be like. Feel the warm sun on your face, the fresh air, and the mountain wind blowing through your hair from all directions. You can hold your breath and feel it in the clouds that come over the mountains and trees. How their tones and contours brighten up. You feel your hand gripping the stone you found in the bend of the river. You seem to grasp the shape of the past, the shape of the future, and they show you the way. We don’t need to create what’s already there. The only thing we can do is connect you with nature and build the perfect core for the future.